Tila Bibliowicz is a Board Certified Educational Therapist in San Francisco, CA with more than thirty years of experience working with children, adolescents, college students, and adults. Tila offers Educational Therapy, life management and personal organization coaching, academic support, and communication and advocacy work to clients ages 10 and above, in San Francisco and Marin.

Who Does Tila Work With?

Middle and High School Students

For clients of this age range, Tila offers ADHD coaching, remedial learning skills, effective test-taking strategies, and techniques for reducing anxiety and stress. She specializes in working with individuals who experience difficulties with executive functioning (planning, organizing, executing). Tila has also been especially effective in helping clients who experience challenges with the second-language acquisition. She has strong track record helping Spanish-learners succeed and coaching them for the AP and SAT foreign-language subject tests.

Tila takes a holistic approach to educational therapy that engages parents and families to help them create a more supportive learning environment at home. She helps families create organizational systems that will benefit their son or daughter, and provides support in implementing these systems over time. Integrated skill-building and lasting changes require this sort of integration, and Tila attributes much of her success with clients to her focus on this crucial aspect of effective educational therapy.

College Students 

Tila works with clients attending college, both locally and remotely. By using Google Docs and other web-based platforms, Tila is able to work side-by-side with her remote clients in real time, tracking their progress and providing support. Students are often overwhelmed by the transition from high school to college, personally and academically, and Tila can help remedy the challenges of this transition by helping clients develop their own systems for organization and planning. This is particularly helpful – and often necessary – for clients with ADHD.

Adult Clients

Tila works with adults with ADHD and those who struggle with executive functioning (planning, organizing, executing). She applies an individualized approach to help each client develop techniques and systems to help them reach and maintain success in their careers and/or at home. Employers and employees who lack internal systems can be at a significant disadvantage compared to more organized peers, and many adults who struggle in these areas have often not received proper recognition or support.

Parent/Family Consulting

Tila also works as a consultant to parents who are seeking help in creating a supportive and effective home learning environment for their child/children. In this area, Tila offers one-on-one coaching and support. With over 30 years of experience working with young adults and their families, Tila succeeds at collaborating compassionately with the goal of helping the family find and implement long-lasting solutions.

Tila’s Approach

Tila takes a collaborative, respectful approach to her work. She aims to create and maintain a warm, supportive environment in which students can prosper. She first works to understand the unique qualities and strengths of each client. She then focuses on creating a tailored experience for each client that is practical, direct, and compassionate. Tila believes that a holistic approach to education and therapy is necessary, and collaborates willingly with neuro-psychologists, psychotherapists, doctors, occupational therapists, and educational institutions to ensure the best outcomes for her clients. Tila focuses on developing customized learning and improvement plans, which she has done for hundreds of clients, including parents and adults, in order to help them achieve their goals. Tila also works closely with the families of her clients, offering advice, consultation, and regular communication, to ensure a supportive home environment for the learner.

About Tila

Tila is a native of Bogotá, Colombia. She moved to San Francisco as an adult and has been an educator and Educational Therapist in this community for more than 30 years. Tila is a Board Certified Educational Therapist, and as a lifelong student herself, understands the importance of recognizing and responding to the diverse continuum of learning styles. She lives in San Francisco with her son Jaco, who is in high school.

Contact Tila for more information if you feel Educational Therapy is right for you or your child.